2025 Gatherings

7:20PM Thusday 27th March, 17th July and 9th October


Create an account to get updates



Or login using your email and password


New accounts will be sent an email with an activation link. Please click that link and your browser will open to a new blank profile page. Follow the instructions on that page. If you need help at any time please click here or send us a message using the contact form below.

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How to Create Your Profile

To comply with Parliamentary Services security requirements, everyone must register to attend a Prayer at Parliament prayer gathering.To comply with the new anti spam laws we use a double opt in system, it works like this:

1. Create:

Enter a valid email address and the four security characters in the boxes provided then click the “SAVE” button. Click here to visit the registration page now.

2. Activate:

The website sends you an email with an activation link in it, (to confirm the email address is yours and not someone entering it without your consent). Click the activation link in the email to continue. Your browser will open and display your new blank profile page. Complete the required details and click the "SAVE" button at the bottom of the page to finish.

3. Login:

Following a successful activation you can Login to your profile page using your email address and password. Here you can set your invitation RSVP, change your password, your email address and any other details in your profile. Be sure to click the “SAVE” button at the bottom of the profile page to save any changes you make!

99% of all new profile issues are due to anti spam software blocking our emails. If you have correctly entered your email address and have not received a reply the chances are it's stuck in your junk mail folder. Please check both your own junk mail folders (if you use Outlook or some other desktop email client) and your providers (isp, Google etc ) webmail to be sure we (admin [at] prayeratparliament.org.nz) are on your white list and/or safe senders lists.



Help > Profile Help / Map to Parliament / Useful Links / Donate