2024 Gatherings

7:20pm Thursday 26th September




Sign up here if you're new.



New signups will be sent an email with an activation link. Please click that link and your browser will open to a new blank profile page. Follow the instructions on that page. If you need help at any time please click here or send us a message using the contact form below.

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Registration, Activation and Login FAQ

Q. I'm not getting the email with the Activation Link:
99% of all registration issues are due to anti spam software blocking our email. If you have correctly entered your email address and have not recieved a reply the chances are that it's stuck in your junk mail folder. Please check both your own junk mail folders (if you use Outlook or some other desktop email client) and your providers webmail (isp, Google etc ) to be sure we (admin#prayeratparliament.org.nz) are on your white and/or safe senders lists. Contact us here if you have ongoing issues, please provide an alternative email or phone number.

Q. Activation Link Not Clickable or broken up:
A. If you’re using a text only email reader you may not be able to click the activation link in the email we send you. In this case please copy and paste the link into your browser’s (internet explorer etc) address bar and press enter or click the go button. It may take a few goes depending how badly it's broken.

Q. I forgot my password:
Click the forgotten password link on the Prayer Meetings page. Enter the email address you registered on the system, the four digit secuirity code and click the "Send" button. The website will send you another email with a new password, use it along with your email address to login. You can change your password to what you had before or something else on your profile page.

Q. Can you show me what the Prayer Meetings Login screen looks like:
See here.