2024 Gatherings

7:20pm Thursday 26th September




Sign up here if you're new.



New signups will be sent an email with an activation link. Please click that link and your browser will open to a new blank profile page. Follow the instructions on that page. If you need help at any time please click here or send us a message using the contact form below.

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Create a New Profile

Registration is required by Parliamentary Security Services. To facilitate that we have a "double-opt-in" process that creates a profile (account) for you on this website. Once completed, you will be sent meeting invitations and the occasional newsletter. It is vital that you keep your email address current because password resets are sent to this email address. There are three meetings each year generally held in March, June and September. Invitations are generally sent four weeks prior to each meeting. When your invitation arrives, log in and reserve your seat. Seating is strictly limited so it is essential you attend or log back in and set your RSVP to No.

To comply with the New Zealand unsolicited email laws we use a double opt-in registration system, it works like this:

  1. Enter a valid email address and the four security characters (CAPITAL LETTERS and Numbers) in the boxes provided below and then click the “SAVE” button.
  2. The website sends you an email with an activation link in it, (to confirm the email address is yours and not someone entering it without your consent). Click the activation link in the email to continue. Your browser will open and display your new blank profile page. Complete the required details and click the "SAVE" button at the bottom of the page to finish.
  3. Following a successful activation you can Login to your profile page using your email address and password. Here you can set your invitation RSVP, change your password, your email address and any other details in your profile. Be sure to click the “SAVE” button at the bottom of the profile page to save any changes you make!


JUNK MAIL - If the activation email does not arrive at your inbox it is most likely in your junk mail folder. Please check your desktop email (Outlook, MS mail etc) and your webmail. Mark us as "Not Spam" and add our email address (admin at prayeratparliament.org.nz) to your safe senders or white list. 90% of failed new profiles are due to junk mail filtering.

EMAIL TYPO - Another reason you may not be getting the activation email is due to typo's when you enter your email address. Double check your email address before clicking the send button.

ACTIVATION - Some email programs break up the activation-links, if this happens simply copy and paste the entire link into your browser (Internet explorer etc). Depending how badly the link is broken this might take two or three copy and paste's to get it all in.
If your not receiving our emails please send me an email with a phone number and a time that is convenient to call and help out.   Help


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