2025 Gatherings

7:20PM Thusday 27th March, 17th July and 9th October


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Help - Whitelisting

Unsolicited advertising email also known as SPAM makes deliverability of the email you want to receive a big concern. Since SPAM is such a huge problem, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have become really good at blocking it from ever reaching your inbox. But, at the same time their filters can also block emails you want to receive.

We never send unsolicited email and we always place an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every newsletter but the nature and layout of our newsletters can sometimes look like spam and get blocked. They can end up in your junk mail folders or held up at your ISP's mail server, you’ll never know it happened because ISPs don’t notify you.

You can do something about this by adding the our email address: admin(at)prayeratparliament.org.nz (the @ symbol replaced here to prevent spam bots from harvesting our email address and selling it!) to your address book. This is called white-listing and will ensure the delivery of the emails you want to receive will never be interrupted.

But, every email provider is different so we’ve included the white-listing instructions you need for the most popular ones below. If you don’t see instructions for your email provider, please contact your ISPs customer service department for instructions.

To ensure uninterrupted delivery, add this address to your address book, your white or safe senders list and mark one of the newsletters as "Not Junk": admin(at)prayeratparliament.org.nz. (the @ symbol replaced here and throughout this document by (at) to prevent spam bots from harvesting our email address and selling it!)


New Subscribers
You will need to set up a filter to redirect the email into your inbox:

  1. Open your mailbox and click on Mail Options (upper right hand corner).
  2. Select Filters (bottom left corner).
  3. Click the Add link on the Filters page.
  4. Update the "From header:" rule with the following 2 pieces of information: "contains" and admin(at)prayeratparliament.org.nz. This essentially allows the mail server to identify the email based on the email’s admin(at)prayeratparliament.org.nz.
  5. Click the Choose Folder pull down menu and select inbox.
  6. Select the Add Filter button.

Existing Subscribers
If you are already a subscriber but the email isn’t getting through, check if the email is in your Yahoo Bulk Folder. If the email is there, open the email and click the Not Spam button. Next, check admin(at)prayeratparliament.org.nz on this list, select it and click the Remove Block button. Lastly, if you have not done so, please set up a filter as outlined in our New Subscribers info above.

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New Subscribers
You will need to add our From address to your Hotmail Safe List:

  1. Open your mailbox and click “Options” (upper right hand corner).
  2. Click the “Junk E-Mail Protection” link (top of page).
  3. Select the “Safe List” link (2nd from bottom).
  4. Copy and paste the From address into the dialog box titled “Type an address or domain”.
  5. Click the “Add” button next to the dialog box.

Existing Subscribers
If you are already a subscriber but the email isn’t getting through, make sure that the email is not being sent to your Junk E-Mail Folder. If the email is there, open the email and click the Not Junk button. Next, check to see if the email admin(at)prayeratparliament.org.nz is in your Blocked Senders list. If you see admin(at)prayeratparliament.org.nz on this list, select it and click the Remove button. Finally, if you have not done so, add admin(at)prayeratparliament.org.nz into your Safe List as outlined in our New Subscribers info above.

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New Subscribers
You will need to add admin(at)prayeratparliament.org.nz to your Gmail Contacts List:

  1. Click Contacts along the left side of any Gmail page.
  2. Click Add Contact.
  3. Copy and paste admin(at)prayeratparliament.org.nz into the primary email address dialog box.
  4. Click Save.

Existing Subscribers
If you are already a subscriber but the email isn’t getting through, make sure that the email has not been mistakenly marked as Spam:

  1. Click Spam along the left side of any Gmail page.
  2. Check mark the box next to the email.
  3. Click Not Spam button along the top.

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Mozilla Thunderbird

New Subscribers

You will need to add admin(at)prayeratparliament.org.nz to your Thunderbird Address Book and configure your Junk Mail Controls to white-list your address book.

  1. Add admin(at)prayeratparliament.org.nz into your Personal Address Book:
  2. Click the Address Book button.
  3. Make sure the Personal Address Book is highlighted.
  4. Click the New Card button. This will launch a New Card window that has 3 tabs: Contact, Address & Other.
  5. Under the Contact tab, copy and paste admin(at)prayeratparliament.org.nz into the Email dialog box.
  6. Click OK.

White-list your Personal Address Book:

  1. From the main drop down menu, select "Tools -< Junk Mail Controls…"
  2. This will launch the Junk Mail Controls window that has two tabs: Settings and Adaptive Filter
  3. Under the Settings tab, update the "white-lists" module by selecting Personal Address Book from the pull down menu and then check mark the box next to "Do not mark messages as junk mail".
  4. Click OK.

Existing Subscribers
Initially, the automatic junk mail detection for incoming messages might not be very accurate and you should check your Junk folder to see if the email has been mistakenly detected as junk. To prevent this from happening in the future, you need to mark the email as not junk. Do this by right-clicking on our newsletter and choose "Mark -< As Not Junk".

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Netscape Mail

New Subscribers
Netscape Mail Web-Based Email has no filters and spam protection. Therefore, you can enjoy the email without doing anything further, because it will not be mistakenly filtered.

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Outlook 2003

New Subscribers
You will need to add admin(at)prayeratparliament.org.nz to your Safe Senders list:

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
  2. On the Preferences tab, click Junk E-mail.
  3. On the Safe Senders tab, click Add.
  4. In the Add address, copy and paste in admin(at)prayeratparliament.org.nz.
  5. Click OK.

Existing Subscribers
If the Junk E-Mail Filter accidentally catches the email, you can simply add admin(at)prayeratparliament.org.nz to the Safe Senders list, and no future email from us will be inspected by the filter. The instructions are outlined above in our New Subscribers info above.

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  1. Scroll up to the message header.
  2. Get to the field where the name is listed, click the Berry button and then click Show Address.
  3. Select and copy that address to the clipboard.
  4. Go into Address Book and find the user.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Click to edit it, and then click the Berry button to add another email address.
  7. Paste it in and click Save.

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If you use a Web mail system or email application not listed above, the instructions for white-listing our address will depend on the specific email program you are using. If you access the help files, instruction manual or customer support, there should be instructions on how to do this.

In most cases, jut by adding the From address to your address book, safe list, white-list or contact list will be sufficient.

If the email is not getting to your inbox, then we suggest checking your spam folder, bulk folder or junk folder. If you find the email, then you will need to find a way to inform your mail application that it is not spam. Most likely the course of action is to select the email and click on the Not Spam or Not Junk button, if available. For more information about your mail application, please visit the help section that is associated with your mail application.

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