Please click the links below to view the Convener's reports for previous prayer gatherings. You may also subscribe to an RSS feed for this or any page that displays the RSS icon (lower left).
Members of Parliament
- Hon Tim Macindoe (Parliamentary Host)
- Hon Alfred Ngaro
- Jonathan Young
- Joanne Hayes
- Melissa Lee
- Chris Penk
- Denise Lee
- Agnes Loheni
- Chris Penk MP
- Andy Foster Wellington City Councillor
- Hon Jonathan Young MP
- Ps Rasik Ranchord
The meeting was opened in prayer by Pastor Hamish Thomson.
Hon Tim Macindoe warmly welcomed the attendees to Parliament, “Our Place”.
The Scripture Readings:
Old Testament: Psalm 139:13-18 - Melissa Lee MP
New Testament: Matt 5:13-16 - Joanna Hayes MP
Prayer Track 1 - End of Life Choice Bill
Chris Penk MP (Helensville)
There are 2 main areas covered in this bill - euthanasia and assisted suicide. However, it can be framed as compassion or choice. If framed as choice, is it an individual choice or choice as part of a family, community? What about coercion – where someone is put under pressure to “choose” to end their life?
Stages in Passing a Bill:
- The first reading
- The Select Committee –where submissions are received and spoken to by citizens (in this bill over 90 percent of submissions are opposed to the Bill.)
- The second reading – confirmed to go forward or not (at this point 10 MPs are needed to reconsider their approval stance of this bill.) Amendments and rewording take place here. This bill is “not safe” in any way. Amendments may make it “less unsafe” but cannot make it “safe” at all.
- Two more Select Committee sessions.
- The third reading (November 2019). Ten MPs are needed to reconsider their approval stance to ensure its failure at this point.
Prayer Pointers:
- Acknowledge the value of life.
- That MPs understand and acknowledge the value of life, at all ages and stages of human development.
- That MPs listen carefully to all vulnerable Kiwis, including the disabled, the elderly, the depressed and those of traditionally marginalised ethnicity.
- That MPs work constructively on meaningful improvements to health care for those who are sick and dying.
Prayer Track 2: Local Body Elections (Nationwide)
Andy Foster Wellington City Councillor
We were encouraged to participate in these elections and have a say in who should be our Local Government leaders. Ballot papers will be posted out and the postal ballot closes on 12 October 2019.
City Council services cover many infrastructure areas that make our lives healthier and easier: eg: rubbish collection, water provision, housing, Civil Defence, street signage, street cleaning, recreation parks, libraries and transport (buses and cars). The Councils also plan a strategy for the future development of the cities over 10-30 years’ time. The Councils look after people’s needs, follow up on requests, and monitor and manage the delivery of all the different services. Voter participation was low during the previous election, so please encourage people to get informed, be involved and vote.
Prayer Pointers:
- Voters are informed
- Greater numbers of voter participation
- Strong competent representative councils
- Major issues facing your region
- Other matters
Prayer Track 3: Abortion Legislation Update
Hon Jonathan Young MP (New Plymouth)
This bill strikes are the very heart of New Zealand and deny the miracle of creation in the conception of a baby. We need to pray for the women who find themselves pregnant and don’t know what to do. God is the Father to the fatherless.
This bill is about moving abortion from the Crimes Act into the area of Health Law. At the heart of this is the definition of the unborn child. There are several big inconsistencies. For instance, if a pregnant woman is attacked and the baby dies, it is considered as murder or manslaughter, with a sentence of 14 years jail!
Currently, the pregnant mother determines whether the unborn is special or not. It is not just life and death issues – this is a child made by God (cf Gen 25 and Ps 139). Another example of inconsistencies in the law, the Whanganui River has been given the status of a “legal person” to give the river protection rights. The rights of one should not extinguish the rights of another.
Submissions close on 19th September (midnight) and the Select Committee will report back on 8 February 2020. This Committee gets the full attention of the MPs on it. They are not assigned to other committees until this assignment is completed.
Prayer Pointers
- That the NZ Parliament does not weaken the current thresholds as in the law
- That the unborn child be recognised as a person with human rights
- That Parliamentarians who supported the first reading to enable the Select Committee process, reconsider their vote at the second reading of the bill
Hon Alfred Ngaro MP closed the meeting with prayer.
All Prayer Points are on the Prayer@Parliament website ( )
The next Prayer at Parliament will be in March 2020 and the date will be advised.
- Gatherings 2020: March, June, September - Dates (to be advised.)
- Local Body Elections 12 October 2019
- Capital Prayer Breakfast 7 Nov 2019