2024 Gatherings

7:20pm Thursday 26th September




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Please click the links below to view the Convener's reports for previous prayer gatherings. You may also subscribe to an RSS feed for this or any page that displays the RSS icon (lower left).

MP's and Speakers

  • Maureen Pugh MP - Parliamentary Host
  • Mel McKenzie Ret Comm Salvation Army - Opening Prayer
  • Denise Lee MP - OT:Ps67:1-7
  • Agnes Lohini MP - NT:Matt 5:3-10
  • Judge Andrew Beecroft - Prayer Track 1
  • Chris Penk MP - Prayer Track 2
  • Ps Rasik Ranchord - Prayer Track 3
  • Ps Paul white - Offering Prayer
  • Brian Caughley - Closing Prayer


PRAYER TRACK 1 - Child Poverty in New Zealand

What is our dream for our children and young people? 70% do well, 20% suffer adversity and 10% find chronic toxic stress – across all areas but, in particular health and education. Family disadvantage affects children. This is real life for many, not statistics in a vacuum. See www.occ.govt.nz for more information.

Prayer Pointers

  • Pray for children, young people and their families living in disadvantage without warm, dry homes and regular good meals
  • Pray for wise and effective government policies
  • Pray that we will all take hold of opportunities such as helping with food banks, school breakfast programmes and programmes run by our churches
  • Pray for Judge Andrew Beecroft and his staff


PRAYER TRACK 2 - End of Life Choice Bill Update

This Bill had its second reading on Wednesday June 26, 2019. A record number of submissions (36k) have been received with 90% opposed to the Bill. Many community groups are opposed including the Disabled, the Elderly, Maori and Pacific, and other ethnicities. The bill passed it's second reading by 70 votes to 50 and will now go to the whole house for detailed scrutiny and amendments. Private members bills are debated every second Wednesday when the House is Sitting.

Prayer Pointers

  • For the value of life to be recognised and respected
  • Pray that we listen carefully to arguments and respond wisely
  • Encourage our local MP to vote against the Bill
  • Pray and work constructively on meaningful improvements to healthcare for those sick and dying.


PRAYER TRACK 3 - Members of Parliament

Ps Rasik encouraged the meeting to remember to pray for all in authority (1 Tim. 2 and Romans 13) as they are servants of God performing a function as ordained by God.

Prayer Pointers

  • Leaders of Parties
  • Christian MPs
  • MP in your electorate
  • MPs (whose name is on the paper given to people)


The next Prayer at Parliament will be on 12 September 2019.