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In attendance:
- MP : Tim Macindoe (Parliamentary Host)
- Speaker : Gordon Copeland
- Speaker : Dr John Kliensman
- Speaker : Ps Rasik Ranchord
Ps Hamish Thomson opened the meeting with prayer.
Hon Tim Macindoe welcomed the people to the meeting reminding us that this is our House of Representatives. He gave apologies from Members of Parliament, Hon Alfred Ngaro and Simeon Brown. “We appreciate that many of you have come some distance to be here and we are pleased and privileged to have you all come. This is your House – enjoy the atmosphere and the architecture. It reflects our Christian history in this place. To encourage you, there is a strong body of Christians with faith and worship in this place. Christian MPs meet for prayer on Wednesday mornings when The House is sitting.”
Ps Rasik also welcomed the people, saying it was an absolute joy to see everyone here. Unity is so important as is agreement in prayer. Those who were here for the first time were welcomed. Participants this time have come from the Manuwatu, Wairarapa and Wellington regions. Fourteen different denominations are represented tonight.
The Scripture readings were as follows:
- New Testament: Psalm 139:13-18 By Ps Lalita Ranchord
- New Testament: John 10: 1-10 By Hon Tim Macindoe
Prayer Track 1 : Abortion Law Review Update - Gordon Copeland
Gordon gave an insightful review of the Abortion Law status. The Government has asked the Law Commission to review the status of the Abortion Law and see what changes could be made by having a health focus instead of a legal focus.
The Abortion Law was passed in 1977 and came into effect in 1978. Since that time 500,000 lives have gone. This is equivalent to approximately the population of Wellington, Lower Hutt, Porirua and Masterton. When a baby is aborted it is not just one life but the potential of future generations lost. Amendments which have been proposed are:
- A counselling service for those requesting a second opinion
- This is not currently available and no alternatives to abortion currently being offered
- There is a 33% higher chance of mental illness or depression in those who chose abortion
- Women are not currently advised of this outcome
- Women requesting an abortion should sign that this is their own free will decision
- In Germany, where this is applied, the abortion rate is 2.5% lower than in NZ
- Any coercion of the woman to abort a baby is to be made illegal
- Where coercion to abort is applied, the woman’s life is changed forever
- Any coercion by any other person should be illegal
- Compassion and love is not currently part of the law – it is just a law. There is no compassion for the woman caught in this situation
Prayer Pointers
- That the Law Commission be guided in their work
- That independent counseling be provided to all women seeking an abortion (“informed consent” including alternatives)
- That the woman’s own doctor must certify that a decision to abort is made by the woman of her own free will.
- That coercion of the woman demanding abortion, by any other person, will be illegal
There was a March for Life in Wellington last year in December. There will be a March for Life again in Wellington on December 8th, 2018. Please spread this information and plan to attend, click here for more information.
Prayer Track 2 : End of Life Choice Bill Update - Dr John Kliensman
Dr Kliensman is the Director of the Nathaniel Centre (the Catholic Bioethics Centre). This organisation is a member of the Care Alliance which includes Christian and Professional Health organisations that are working to combat the End of Life Choice Bill. The New Zealand Medical Association (NZMA) is also opposed to this Bill.
There is a problem in NZ in end of life care. That is clear, particularly in rural areas that are not close to hospital or palliative care resources. No paths in this bill are caring for these patients.
This issue is not just about those who are dying. There is no requirement for the patient to seek treatment, nor does it provide for palliative care. The Bill does not give a choice, but does give permission. This poses a risk to vulnerable people who “pose a burden” (for others). The request for death by someone also impacts many others.
Laws are introduced in a context, our current context is: The rising rates of
- Elder Abuse
- Suicide
- Social Isolation
- Mental Illness
- "Being a Burden"
- Economic constraints
- Fragmentation of families
The Christian response is compassion (to suffer with) and be an advocate for palliative care, alleviate suffering amid the challenges of ageism and able-ism. The Bill is currently with the Select Committee which is processing over 35,000 submissions.
Prayer Pointers:
- Those who are dying and their families
- Persons who live with disabilities and debilitating illness
- Those who daily care for the dying and disabled and work to reduce their suffering
- Openness, wisdom and courage for politicians
Prayer Track 3 : Members of Parliament - Rasik Ranchord
Ps Rasik read out part of the speech of the new Prime Minister of Australia, Mr Scott Morrison, who is an evangelical Christian. It was clear from the speech that Mr Morrison’s heart is for the people of Australia right across the spectrum. Mr Morrison said that Australia is NOT secular, but it IS free; that is freedom FOR religion, not freedom FROM religion.
With reference to the AMPP Project, Ps Rasik said that all information regarding this project is on the Prayer@Parliament website. Anyone who would like to join with other pray-ers to lift up members of parliament were most welcome to complete their profile on the website and they would be allocated a member of Parliament and a List Member to pray for, and put in touch with their local Prayer Promoter. Most areas are covered and where there are gaps, the Prayer Promoters cover these in the interim.
Prayer Pointers:
- Leaders of Parties
- Christian MPs
- AMPP Project
- Wednesday Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast
Romans 13 talks about a “servant of God”, in the sense that that person is fulfilling what God has ordained, ie, a particular function. Jeremiah also mentioned Nebuchadnezzar as a “servant of God”, and Cyrus (was called the anointed one) even though Cyrus did not acknowledge God.
There will be a Capital Prayer Breakfast on 8th November, 2018, at which Rev. Andrew White, the Vicar of Baghdad will speak to the group
Ps Rudy Oversluizen gave thanks for the offering which was given to cover expenses of the meeting.
Rev David Major closed the meeting with prayer.
Further Information and Links:
- Law Commission - Abortion Law Reform Page" Click Here
- Information on the "March for Life" Click Here
- Voice for Life Website Click Here
- End of Life - Care Alliance Website Click Here
- Say No to Suicide Website Click Here
- Family First - Appealing DeregistrationClick Here
- AMPP (Adopt an MP for Prayer Project Click Here
- Photos taken on the night are also on our website Click Here
Next year's Prayer at Parliament gatherings will be in March, June and September 2019, the dates will be advised on our website once the Parliamentary calendar has been completed
In the Bonds of Christ
Rasik Ranchord
Convener Prayer at Parliament
AMPP National Director.