2025 Gatherings

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Please click the links below to view the Convener's reports for previous prayer gatherings. You may also subscribe to an RSS feed for this or any page that displays the RSS icon (lower left).

In attendance:


  • Tim Macindoe
  • Mark Mitchell
  • Joanne Hayes
  • Denise Lee
  • Simeon Brown
  • Hon Alfred Ngaro


  • Gordon Copeland
  • Simeon Brown
  • Dave Mann
  • Ps Rasick Ranchord
Mr Gordon Copeland opened the meeting with prayer

Hon Tim Macindoe welcomed the people to the meeting saying we live in an amazing world, where a significant meeting is being held (President Trump and President Kim Jong-Un), New Zealand Womens sports are doing so well on the world stage and a new baby will be arriving soon.  Here, we believe in prayer and that God loves us and calls us to be His disciples –as servant leadership in our communities – displaying compassion, goodness and mercy as we walk humbly before Him.  We enjoy the relationships we form here and thank you for coming.

Ps Rasik also welcomed the people, saying, that in 50 years of ministry a key component has been as a bridge builder among churches.  As the Body of Christ gathered here to pray for the nation, while we are finite, He is infinite!  A welcome was also extended to Mr Kelvin Cloud, Deputy Mayor of Tauranga, and Professor Jonathon Boston, Professor of Policy Studies at the Victoria University of Wellington School of Government.  A number of first time attendees were also recognised and welcomed.
Apologies were received from MPs Jonathon Young and Melissa Lee and a number of attendees who were unable to come.

The Scripture readings were as follows:

  • New Testament: Matt 24:1-7 Denise Lee
  • New Testament: Matt 24:8-14 Mark Mitchell
  • Old Testament: Isaiah 2:2-4 Joanne Hayes


Prayer Track 1 : End of Life Choice Bill Update - Simeon Brown MP

It is important to pray for these issues.  The parliament is currently considering legislation related to Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia and submissions to the Justice Select committee, while now closed to receiving these, there has been a huge response of people wishing to contribute to this discussion.
As the bill is currently written, it is the most extreme type of legislation in the world.  There are no safeguards – any age can request the ending of their life, under very loose terminology in the current bill.  It is very risky for the vulnerable in our society.
Thirty-five thousand submissions have been received, along with three thousand nine hundred people requesting to speak to the Justice Select Committee.  This is the largest response to ever have been received by a Select Committee.  There have been an unprecedented number of individual submissions, with very few submissions made on pro forma templates.  Of a 5% sample taken by the Select Committee Clerks, 89.4% are opposed to the bill.

Prayer Points

  • MPs sitting on the Justice Committee to have divine wisdom as they hear submissions from both sides
  • True compassion and love would guide those who make and hear submissions and that all would see this as Christ does
  • Sacredness of life would be protected for all, especially for the weak and vulnerable

Members of the Justice Committee are:

  • Raymond Huo (Chairperson)
  • Maggie Barry (Deputy)
  • Virginia Anderson
  • Chris Bishop
  • Mark Mitchell
  • Gregg O’Connor
  • Priyanca Radhaknrishna
  • Nick Smith

Prayer Track 2 : The Gospel in the 21st Century - Dave Mann Hope Project

The Gospel changes a nation.  The Gospel causes people to change agendas and influences that shape the nation.  The Hope Project is part of this influence for change.
The Hope Project intentionally encourages churches to have face to face conversations with people. Training can be given to ask great questions to start great conversations.  We can learn how to do this!  Jesus had a conversational approach – he never answered questions directly –he asked questions of those who pressed him with questions.  The Gospel is best shared in conversation.  It can start over the fence, and build towards a vision for a suburb, city and nation.
The Hope project began in 2012 when it was noticed there was no Christian Media coverage at Easter.  New Zealand History cannot be understood outside of the Gospel.  We need to put Christ into Christmas and Easter.

Prayer Pointers:

  • For pulpit and small group based equipping for a conversational outreach to become the annual habit of all Kiwi pastors
  • For God to raise up innovators with the ability to bring Christian messages to the public square
  • For our nation’s early missionary and bicultural story to be nationally known and esteemed
  • For the stories of the Christian origins of our nation’s most treasured values to be nationally known and esteemed
  • For Dave Mann and his team at The Hope Project

Prayer Track 3 AMPP Launch - Rasik Ranchord

Adopt a Member of Parliament for Prayer is the full name of AMPP Project.  We want this process to be simple and sustainable and encourage anyone who is willing to commit to praying consistently, frequently and fervently with discretion, for their local electorate Member of Parliament and one List Member of Parliament (who may or may not be in their electorate.  There are currently nine (9) prayer provinces with a Prayer Promoter identified for each province.  Each Prayer Promoter is given a list of prayers in their area as their role is to encourage prayers and encourage more to engage in this worthwhile activity...  Please talk to your minister/Pastors about this project.  It is interdenominational in breadth and national in scope.  Please let any other interested prayers know about this initiative.  To find out more information and to enrol, please go to the Prayer at Parliament website.

Prayer points 

  • Prayer promoters
  • Prayer partners
  • Christian MPs
  • Prime Minister
Ps Graeme Sunderland prayed for the offering which was taken to cover expenses.

Hon. Alfred Ngaro closed the meeting with prayer saying the Gospel is not an easy road and includes trial and tragedy. Have Your way with us and anoint our connection at home, work and in our communities.  We pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the fire of God, and revival.  Begin with us. Amen.

Information and Links:

  • Information on our religious freedom Click Here 
  • Sign the religious freedom petition Click Here
  • The Hope Project website and resources Click Here
  • The Next Prayer at Parliament gathering is on 6th September 2018