2024 Gatherings

7:20pm Thursday 10th October




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Please click the links below to view the Convener's reports for previous prayer gatherings. You may also subscribe to an RSS feed for this or any page that displays the RSS icon (lower left).

In attendance:


  • Tim Macindoe
  • Alfred Ngaro
  • Mark Mitchell
  • Denise Lee
Tim Macindoe, Host MP, welcomed the people to the meeting, giving honour to Chester Borrows and David Cunliffe who have been recognised in the New Year Honour list for services to New Zealand during their parliamentary service as MPs.  The farewell for Hon Bill English was also being held at this time, and those colleagues in attendance would be leaving shortly to attend that function.  Tim thanked everyone for coming to Prayer at Parliament as MPs found good encouragements from the gathering.  Newcomers to the meeting from many places across New Zealand were also welcomed.
The meeting was reminded of the scripture from 1 Timothy 2, in relation to praying for leaders for good governance, welfare, spiritual direction, guidance, wisdom and a heart to serve as these are important areas for members of parliament.  Ps Rasik Ranchord also welcomed all attendees and said that Prayer at Parliament had been going for 20 years.  He reminded the meeting that the policy is “Prayer @ Parliament does not endorse any one party.  It encourages Christians to be salt and light in every party”.

The Scripture readings were as follows:

  • Old Testament: Psalm 150  Mel McKenzie
  • New Testament: 1 Timothy 2:1-7 - Denise Lee

Ps Rasik Ranchord gave the preparation for prayer being:

  • The Word of God
  • The Spirit of God
  • Relevant information

Prayer Track 1 – The Face to the 52nd Parliament Hon Alfred Ngaro, MP

Alfred shared some personal thoughts on the effect that Prayer at Parliament has on the parliamentary environment, saying that he likened the presence of prayer and prayers having a cleaning effect in the place as the gathering invited the Spirit of God to come and move through the establishment and the corridors and processes which took place here.  He shared Colossians 1:9 saying that the prayer for wisdom, knowledge and understanding were key elements to making good and lasting decisions that impact the national life.
The “face” of the 52nd Parliament is made up of 120 members across all parties – 74 men and 46 women; 65% are European, 22% Maori, 6% Pacific, and the rest, while New Zealand citizens, have come from other nations. It is important for the members to be supported by prayer in their decisions and debates, to be encouraged by visits from people in their electorates and to be challenged appropriately.

Prayer Points

  • Leaders of all parties
  • Cabinet Ministers
  • The Speaker of the House
  • Hon Bill English (retiring)

Prayer Track 2 – End of Life Choice Bill - Ms Tania Jones, Dr Bob Smith, Dr Rose Claridge

Christians have been involved in palliative care for a long time. It is good to encourage more conversations about end of life and how this can be managed well. Many medical staff are against this Bill and do not wish to be put into a position of having to make such decisions on behalf of another person. It is important that people contact/visit their local MPs to discuss this issue and encouragement them to vote “No”. Tania encouraged the meeting to stand with the Palliative Care movement which deals in “positive death”.
Dr Bob Smith, a retired General Physician, said there are many processes which ease the pain and distress of physical situations and give time for spiritual and emotional care for patients and family members.  The Hospice movement has positively influenced the practices and support for the dying.
The End of Life Choice Bill is about assisted dying – death via lethal drugs.  The New Zealand Medical Association considers this unethical euthanasia. Dying is a natural process which can be and is supported by medical means. If this Bill is passed it will dramatically change patient-doctor relationships.

Dr Rose Claridge, a medical registrar, had some pertinent questions:

  • What is a patient asking of a doctor?
  • When is a life worth living?
  • Since when did 6 years of training give a doctor the wisdom to know the value of a life?
Ms Jones said comfortable, supported passing is the norm in New Zealand. The Bill will open the door to assisted dying with difficult controls. Overseas experience shows that protections and safeguards will fail. What might we do differently? Compassion means “walking with those who suffer”.

Prayer Points

  • For those who are dying and their families
  • For those who care daily for the dying and disabled 
  • For properly resourcing and up-skilling our medical practitioners to improve the quality and consistency of end of life care
  • For openness, wisdom and courage for our MPs as they consider the impacts of this Bill on our society & exercise their conscience vote

Prayer Track 3 AMPP Launch - Rasik Ranchord

This is a new project which is being launched this evening.  It gives everyone an opportunity to become better engaged in their local electorate in relation to praying for the Members of Parliament who reside locally in electorate you live in.
Q1 - What does AMPP stand for?
Q2 - What are its Characteristics?
Q3 - What is the Focus of AMPP?
Q4 - Why do we need this?
Q5 - How can we put 1 Tim 2:1-2 into Practice?
Q6 - How will AMPP Work?
Q7 - What do I do if I want to participate?
Q8 - How can I find out more about MPs assigned to me?
Q9 - What do I need to Pray For?
Q10 - How long and how frequently will I need to Pray for the two MPs?
Q11 - How can I promote AMPP Vision ?
Information on AMPP can be found here, please register your interest by completing the new AMPP fields in your profile or use the "Contact Us" form if you have any enquiries.

Prayer points 

  • AMPP Vision
  • Prayer partners
  • Prayer promoters
  • All MPs
Rasik also mentioned the passing of Dr Billy Graham and showed an excerpt from the tribute paid to him by his daughter Anne Graham-Lotz.
Brian Caughley closed the meeting with prayer. 
The Next Prayer at Parliament gatherings:
14 June 2018
6 September 2018