2024 Gatherings

7:20pm Thursday 10th October




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Parliament Buildings by Night

In attendance:


  • Hon Chester Borrows (Host MP)
  • Jonathan Young
  • Joanne Hayes MP
  • Alfred Ngaro


  • John Terris
  • Jonathan Fletcher
  • Alfred Ngaro
  • Gordon Copeland
  • Ps Rasik Ranchord

Jonathan Young opened the meeting with prayer, commenting before praying, about the current Treaty Negotiations and Prime Minister John Key’s address to the United Nations Security Council, adding that the people of God are in the House of the Nation tonight giving praise and worship to the Lord God, and asking God to bless the works of this Parliament and the ongoing work by New Zealand’s Prime Minister overseas.  He also invoked Isaiah 11, asking that the Spirit of the Lord – the Seven Fold Spirit of the Lord – would be on those in the House, and that their work would bless the people of the nation, and that the works of reconciliation would bring a new future for the nation and create a unity here. 

Hon Chester Borrows commented as he welcomed people to the House, that it was important to keep going “back to the well”.  As parliamentarians it was hard to be regular in attendance at their local church, so opportunities to share and to pray with other believers are important.  Recently Chester had hosted 70 Chinese pastors from across New Zealand.  He had also received an extremely sobering report on Sudan, mainly from Christian organisations who are working in this country.  He asked that the group do not under estimate their presence at Prayer at Parliament.  It brought encouragement to the members of parliament who were able to attend the meetings.

Ps Rasik Ranchord also welcomed the people to the meeting and acknowledged that many had travelled good distances to be a part of Prayer at Parliament. Twelve cities were represented and the meeting was becoming a nationwide event.

Several apologies were received, including from Tim Macindoe, Mark Mitchell, Peter Paraone, and Ps Hamish Thompson. Ps Rasik also acknowledged Glyn Carpenter, of the NZ Christian Network who was at the meeting.

The Scripture readings were as follows:

  • Old Testament: Isaiah 58:6-12, Lalita Ranchord
  • New Testament: Romans 13: 1-7, Joanne Hayes

Ps Rasik‘s word of exhortation came from Luke 18 – prayer requires faith – and we need to keep doing it!

Prayer Track 1 –Local Government Elections

Dr John Terris reminisced a little over his time in Government and remembered the first Prayer Breakfast in Parliament.  He reminded the meeting that participation in the local government elections is very important.  Currently only 40% of eligible voters exercise their vote.  A higher representation of young people is needed in the candidates, as well as a larger proportion of the population encouraged to vote and take a deeper interest in the selection and election of local government leaders.  These local government entities and community boards have great influence over our daily lives.  Local government leaders are accessible in the community and can champion local causes.  Councils also give grants to local organisations.

Prayer Pointers:

  • A greater voting participation
  • That Christians will take their responsibilities seriously
  • That candidates of integrity, knowledge and experience and who are servant leaders will be elected.

Prayer Track 2– Social Ministry of the Church – Jonathan Fletcher, World Vision.

Jonathan is Head of Church Partnerships at World Vision.  He talked about the wider concept of poverty.  We talk about it but consider it unresolvable.  At the base of poverty is broken relationships – broken relationships with God, ourselves, others, and creation equals poverty.  When we look across the world we see evidence of broken relationships – nations, tribes, and people.

World Vision – some key achievements:

  • Child sponsorship – 45,000 workers, in 100 countries in troubled places.
  • The largest provider of clean water in the world
  • 50 million people fed
  • 1500 communities helped

What did Jesus mean when he said “make disciples”?  What are the commands to teach? – Love God, and Love our Neighbour, because we are disciples!

Prayer Pointers:

  • World Vision and churches, social agencies
  • For protection for those working in dangerous places in the world and their families
  • For divine wisdom for strategies that are effective in social ministries.

Prayer Track 3: Members of Parliament and their Families.

MP Alfred Ngaro thanked the people for coming to Prayer at Parliament.  Prayer at Parliament “cleaned” the atmosphere at Parliament by allowing the presence of God to be in this place.  Alfred shared his journey into family life and the challenges that being in Parliament bring.  Taking time to connect with his spouse and family members was important.  Children have a particularly difficult time because the perception that people have of the politician can be reflected onto the children – the way people talk about the parent who is a politician, can be hard for the children.  There is an expectation of the children towards the parent – sometimes these are hard for the family members to understand and manage.  Please pray for the children – they are under pressure too.

Prayer pointers

  • Relationships –taking time to connect
  • Children –the perceptions etc that they hear about their parent from outside the family
  • Expectation of the children towards the parent
  • For MPs and their families, and Christian MPs
  • Hon Nikki Kaye, Minister for ACC has been diagnosed with breast cancer
  • Judge Andrew Becroft, Children’s Commissioner.

Mr Gordon Copeland closed the meeting in prayer.


  • 20 October, Capital Prayer Breakfast – Banquet Hall, Parliament, Jeff Tallow, Physicist, VUW will be sharing.
  • The next Prayer at Parliament will be in March 2017.  Dates will be advised when set.