2025 Gatherings

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Please click the links below to view the Convener's reports for previous prayer gatherings. You may also subscribe to an RSS feed for this or any page that displays the RSS icon (lower left).

The second prayer gathering for 2015 was held in the Grand Hall Parliament on Thursday 4th June. Prayers were Fervent, Bible Readings were Powerful, Input was Inspirational and Praise Resounded in Parliament!

The next Prayer@Parliament gathering is on Thursday 17th September 2015 at 7:20PM. Mark your diaries now and if your email address changes before that date please remember to update your profile to ensure you continue to receive invitations and newsletters. This report is also available on our website at here and a gallery of photos taken during the evening here

Here are some very encouraging statistics

  • Those registered represented some 14 different localities: Christchurch, Palmerston North, Feilding, Marton, Wainuiomata, Wellington, Hamilton, Whanganui, Auckland and New Plymouth, Upper Hutt, Hutt City, Kapiti Coast and Otaki.
  • They came from 14 major denominations representing 40 churches
  • About 20 people attended for the first time.

The following contributed from the Platform

  • Ron Wong and Dinna OMeara: Worship
  • Tim Macindoe MP: Opening Prayer
  • Hon Chester Borrows MP and Deputy Speaker: Welcome and Input on Challenges Christian MPs face
  • Gordon Copeland (former MP): Closing Prayer
  • Ms Mere Tora (acting High Commissioner for Fiji) and HE Virginia Benavidez (Ambassador for the Philippines) delivered the Bible Readings (Ps 96; 1 Cor 13).

There were 3 Prayer Tracks

  • Track 1: Ministers of the Crown and their Responsibilities and Challenges. Input: Hon Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga, Minister of Corrections, Pacific People and Ethnic Affairs.
  • Track 2: Christian MPs and their Challenges. Input: Tim Macindoe MP, Chief Government Whip and Hon Chester Borrows MP
  • Track 3: Protection for MPs and Families. Input: Ps Rasik shared excerpts from the Report: 'Harassment, Stalking, Threats and Attacks targeting NZ Politicians’. 87% of politicians reported unwarranted harassment, 48% had been directly threatened and 15% had been attacked. Alfred Ngaro MP also shared his experience.

Prayer Pointers

  • Track 1: Cabinet Ministers and Ministers outside of Cabinet
  • Track 2: Christian MPs Diplomats and Your Electorate MP
  • Track 3: Protection of MPs and their families

Further Information about our Ministers and MPs can be found on the following government websites

  • New Zealand Parliament Website: MP's, Parties and Electorates
  • Beehive Website: Ministers of Government
  • DPMC Website: Cabinet Ministers, Ministers Outside Cabinet, Support Party Ministers and Parliamentary Under-Secretary
  • House Seating Plan: Download a PDF of the Seating Plan for the Chamber of the House of Representatives (TIP: Print this out and pray over the MP's daily)

Thank you so much for your support of Prayer@Parliament.

Praying for our Nation
Rasik Ranchord