2025 Gatherings

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Please click the links below to view the Convener's reports for previous prayer gatherings. You may also subscribe to an RSS feed for this or any page that displays the RSS icon (lower left).

A large number of people attended this year’s final gathering. Once again there were people from many denominations from the whole of the Wellington Region and now there are people coming regularly from Wairarapa and also some from other cities like Auckland, Gisborne, Hamilton, Tauranga etc.

The Prayer gathering is prayerfully designed. The vision of Prayer @ Parliament is rooted in two scriptures: 1 Tim 2 and Rom 13, to pray for people in authority; to pray for the larger issues facing our Nation.

The First Prayer Track was on Elections 2011 on 26 November. The input was from Eric Roy long time MP for Invercargill and Assistant Speaker of the House and Pastor Rasik Ranchord who has written a pamphlet, “Should Christians be engaged in Politics and if so to what Extent”. This was followed by prayer in small groups.

The Second Prayer Track was Miscellaneous Prayers led from the front.


  1. Capital Prayer Breakfast - Ps Nick Field Chairman of CPB Organising Committee
  2. Rugby World Cup - Eric Roy MP
  3. Change of Governor-Generals - Gordon Copeland – Former MP
  4. Prayers of Thanksgiving for:
    1. The Late John Stott - Ps Hamish Thomson
    2. The late Sir Paul Reeves - Rev Frank Nelson – Dean Wellington Cathedral
    3. The Late Whetu-Tirikatene Sullivan - May Ana Tirikatene–Sullivan (daughter)

They were all outstanding Christians who made a profound impact in their communities and the nation, and in the case of John Stott, the world.

The Third Prayer Track was on Christchurch. This was led by Brian Caughley National Director of Intercessors for NZ. Though the news of Christchurch are no longer on the front pages of our newspapers their needs are even greater now. Commissioner Garth McKenzie former Head of Salvation Army in NZ led the opening prayer. Tricia Caughley, Co-National Director of Intercessors NZ closed in prayer.

The Bible Readings were given by Ps Ronnie Tan and Ps Lalita Ranchord.

The Grand Hall was filled with glorious worship and powerful praying.

The dates for 2012 Prayer Gatherings are yet to be fixed. We have to wait until the Parliament Calendar is finalised in early 2012. Generally Prayer @ Parliament is held in March, June and September.

We take this opportunity to wish you a Blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Pastor Rasik Ranchord