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Please click the links below to view the Convener's reports for previous prayer gatherings. You may also subscribe to an RSS feed for this or any page that displays the RSS icon (lower left).

Christians from 30 churches and from 12 cities (Wellington, Hutt City, Upper Hutt, Porirua, Paraparaumu, Masterton, Gisborne, Tauranga, Auckland, Whanganui, Hamilton, Invercargill and from all major denominations (Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian, Baptist, Salvation Army, Pentecostals, Brethren and others) came together to unite in prayer for our Nation.

The prayer tracks are listed below, contine to pray through them as you feel led:

Elections 2011 - Input by Eric Roy MP and Chester Borrows MP (information that would apply to all parties).

  • That Christians from all denominations will commit to prayer for Christians in all parties to be empowered and be able to talk their place in the political forum
  • That our nation New Zealand desires to return to Judeo Christian values and seek to put God first in decision making
  • That our media fairly and accurately report the views and intentions of both parties and politicians in the forth coming campaign
  • For Christians in all parties that they may have integrity, boldness and credibility in displaying their Christian standards

Christchurch Needs - An Update’. Input by Lt. Col. Lyndon Buckingham.

  • The Mayor and Council staff as they oversee repairs and ongoing plans for the city
  • The Decision makers as they look to the future of the city and its people
  • Helping Agencies as they work with traumatised people
  • Police and Clergy as they continue to work with people in crisis
  • Doctors and Teachers dealing with adults and children who are traumatised and stressed
  • Frazzled Mums and concerned Dads as they attempt to bring ‘normality’ to their families
  • Pray for: Patience, Calm, Comfort, Courage, Wisdom, Grace, Understanding, Hope and that God’s love will be revealed in midst of tragedy.

Rugby World Cup - Input by Ross Georgio CEO of Engage, a Christian organisation providing hospitality and assistance to visitors coming to our country.

  • Prayer that family members of the 20 Rugby Nations from around the world will esperience hospitality in NZ in Christian family homes through the Engage Family Hosting Program
  • Pray for Martin Snedden and his growing team who have a huge responsibility to direct and manage this third biggest major sporting event.
  • Pray for safety of the teams and visitors to NZ and that teams will employ the pastoral care services of the Engage Chaplaincy Program
  • Pray that the goodwill and partnership between Churches at the national level would transcend to the geographic city levels especially in the 23 Match Venue/Team base cities.
  • Pray that the Churches of NZ will engage in their community and with the 85,000 visitors to NZ’s shores in meaningful ways, sharing in this main stage event and the eternal hope that they have.

Those who participated from the front were:

  • Chester Borrows MP (Parliamentary Host)
  • Eric Roy MP
  • Tim Macindoe MP
  • Simon Bridges MP
  • Pastor Rasik Ranchord (Convenor)
  • Brian Caughley (Intercessors for NZ)
  • Glyn Carpenter (NZ Christian Network)
  • Pastor Nick Field (Christian Leaders’ Network)
  • Pastor Lalita Ranchord
  • Pastor Hamish Thomson
  • Lt. Col. Lyndon Buckingham(Chair Salvation Army Earthquake Recovery Work)
  • Ross Georgio (CEO Engage)
  • Dinna OMeara lead the worship

Everyone who attended had an opportunity to pray in small groups. The Hall was filled with prayer and praise. Prayer Pointers from the 3 tracks will be posted on PrayeratParliament website for ongoing prayer on these topics.

The final Prayer @ Parliament Gathering for 2011 is on Thursday 8 September.


Pastor Rasik Ranchord