2025 Gatherings

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What is Prayer@Parliament

Our policy is not to endorse any one political party but to pray for kingdom influence in every party. To pray for Christians and also for those who are followers of other faiths or no faith at all because of the function they perform in Parliament. The function itself is ordained by God. When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans and to Timothy there were no Christians in Government!

It is a Christian Prayer Gathering that is open to all. Over the years many members of Parliament from across the political spectrum have attended and many have been invited to participate. This includes Ministers of the Crown, former Speakers of the House and present assistant Speaker.. Besides people in central government we also pray for those in local government, Mayors and former mayors and councillors have participated. "Seek the peace and prosperity of the city. Pray to the Lord for it because if it prospers You too will prosper" (Jeremiah 29:7)

We also pray for those involved in various sectors of society besides government; Education, Social Welfare, Youth, Public Health, News Media. Many from these backgrounds have participated.

Christians from all denominations and from the whole of the Wellington Region and beyond attend these gatherings. Prayer is a uniting factor and where there is unity there God gives his blessings. Prayer is a Declaration of Dependence-upon God. Our nation needs God.

Rasik Ranchord
